Water Tank Cleaning Process: What to Expect from a Cleaning Service

Water Tank Cleaning Process

It is no wonder that clean water is related to good health. Water is life. We need water everyday if we want to be alive. Therefore,we must consume safe water. And to keep water clean and safe we have to wash our water tank on a daily basis. Water tanks are used in households, agricultural, industrial purposes. Water tanks can be made with different materials and come in different sizes. Generally a water tank should be washed within every six months. You can do DIY cleaning. But that’s not so easy. Washing a water tank is time consuming and physically challenging. It takes a lot of hard work to clean the tank properly. If it is not cleaned thoroughly then it can lead to contamination. So,you can take service from a professional water tank cleaning service. A professional water tank cleaning service gives you the surety of clean and safe for use or drink. In this blog we will talk about water tank cleaning process and what to expect from a professional service:

1. Inspection:

At first the technician will inspect the situation of the water tank and identify if there is any problem like rust, leakage or cracks. Then they will check the quality of the water and level of pollution.

2. Draining the Tank:

Before starting  cleaning the water tank needs to be completely empty. They can use pumps if it is a large tank.

Draining the Tank

3. Removal of sludge and sediment:

Cleaning team will remove sludge, sediments and debris from the tank using their tools. This equipment helps them to reach every corner of the tank which are generally hard to reach manually.

4. Cleaning techniques :

The inside surface of the tank needs to be scrubbed to remove the slimey brown buildup, algae and bacteria. They can also use high-pressure water jets to clean the bottom and walls of the tanks if needed.

Cleaning techniques


After washing the tank they will disinfect the tank using proper chemicals like chlorine or any other sanitizer which will kill the harmful bacteria.

6. Rinsing:

When disinfection is done, they will rinse the tank to remove any cleaning materials and disinfecting chemicals.

7. Post-Cleaning inspection:

After the Cleaning is done the technicians will have a final look to ensure that the tank is properly cleaned and in a good condition.

Cleaning inspection

8. Air dry:

Before refilling water the tanks need time to air dry. Before drying it shouldn’t be refilled.

9. Refilling the Tank:

When the tank is totally dry it is refilled with clean water from a safe source.

10. Water Quality Testing:

The technicians will test the water quality after cleaning to make sure that the water is safe to use.

11. Repairs (if necessary):

If the professional team finds any damage during their inspection, they might do the necessary repairs.

12. Filter Replacement:

The professional team will clean or replace the filters and other parts of the tank if it is needed.

water tank

13. Frequency of Cleaning:

Procession cleaning is recommended annually,  but the frequency can depend on some facts like- the size, quality and using pattern of the tank.

14.Choosing a Professional Service:

When you are choosing your professional water tank service look for a government certified and experienced service. Check their reviews and make sure that they follow the local health and safety rules to get a good service and own satisfaction. You don’t need to hurry, take your time and find the best service for you.

By hiring a professional water tank cleaning service, you make sure that your water supply is clean, safe, healthy and free from pollution. A professional service you reduce your difficult and save your time.

To clean your water tank in Dhaka Service Dibo here to serve best experience. To get our help call +8801709964545


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